Eco-marketing the Kambatik Park


The year is coming to a close and I'm thinking of what to do for the Kambatik Park next year.  For one thing it took me a good 3 years already to develop the eco-farm into a nature park.  I have created awareness of the park since last year with continuous blog postings (2013=150 ; 2014= 292 as to date).  So I think the next level is to do some serious eco-marketing of the park.  Marketing is an interesting topic because it enables me to understand what business I'm in (value proposition) by looking inside out (organisational effectiveness) and outside in (customers needs and benefits they buy).  My business value proposition in simple words,  I'm in the business of oil palm farming the ecoway.  But business is again a much misunderstood concept.  The western industrial economics tradition have pushed profits as the main motive.  Though environmental economics come into play, its position as an appendage to industrial economics has its limitations and resulted in ways that are not nature-centric and anthropogenic.  To me business is a social being and also a natural being entity.  This is the perspective or model that I would try to market next year.  Why I have come to this position is because of the variety of ecological experience I had at Kambatik Park.  But more than that , I would like to infuse the aesthetics of living a beautiful life in the Kambatik model of oil palm farming.  This would then answer the questions that always bugs me - how does eco-marketing meet the social needs of my customers (value and benefits they buy) , my needs of an unique individual (self-actualisation values) and the the natural ecosystems needs, per se and the oil palm business it derives sustenance from.  It looks like it's gonna be a real adventure in life next year.  Looking forward to 2015!

Journal: 11 December,2014.


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